Thursday, March 4, 2010

Via Bellagio

We were bored this morning.
All three of us have runny noses and we weren't sure what to do.
I thought of my Dad and how he always seemed to be able to make things fun, even when the day wasn't the greatest.
So in his honor, I packed up the kids and we went to the Bellagio, just for fun.
Hey, we live in Vegas so we might as well live it up!
The kids enjoyed looking around at the Conservatory there, which was all decked out for the Chinese New Year.
I was hoping to show them the water show, but it doesn't start until 3 PM on the weekdays.
So we cruised around and got some gelato and had an absolutely wonderful time.
My Dad would have loved it.

Our view...

Carson loved the "TIGER!!!" in the Conservatory

Carson and Sam - Viva Las Vegas!

1 comment:

Lori said...

How cool that you guys did this in honor of your Dad! I'm sure he's smiling down on you BIG TIME! Court, you're WAY MORE adventurous than me ... i break out in hives at the thought of taking my kids to the grocery store. Bummer you didn't get to see the fountains, our kids LOVE them! I know they don't start until later on the weekdays ...and i think noon on weekends, but they also don't go off if winds are any more than like 10mph or something really disappointingly low like that. I only know this because we're there far too often, and deal with buckets of tears when we're stood up by a much anticipated water show.