Thursday, February 24, 2011

Learning as we go!

Time is marching foward.
Carson turns three in two months and Sam is almost 16 months.
Where the time has gone, I am not sure!
But one thing is for sure.....we are having a blast this month.
The kids got sick shortly after my last post, hence my lack of blogging.
We had coughs and colds for a couple of weeks but now we are all well and ready to take on the world again.

Carson is busy loving school, playing, and hitting tee balls.
He loves to hit the tee ball in our backyard. He is really good and hits home-run style fly balls off the tee almost every single time. I am excited if he's interested in baseball because it's a nice, warm weather, "safe" sport.
He's doing really good in school and the teachers have good things to say about him pretty consistently. He is still the only boy in his class of six kids but he is holding his own with the ladies. I have stopped bothering him about the potty - he is getting there slowly but surely. I am trying not to pressure him, knowing that the more mom wants him to do something, the less likely he is to do it. I figure one of these days things will click and we will be 100%.

Samantha is talking my ear off.
We took the kids to the Shark Reef last weekend, and she ran through the place, saying "SHARK! Right there!! Shark! Right there!" until she saw another big fish and said "WHALE!!!!"
She says "thank you" whenever she's given something and when she falls she says "Sorry!"
We are enjoying watching her personality emerge day by day.
She is definitely a bruiser, which is good since most of her friends are boys.
She is rough and tumble, a major climber, not afraid of much, and a big reader.
She loves Dora and SuperWhy. When you say "cuatro" she says "cinco".
She is silly and always a step ahead of mom and dad.
We love our two babies that are growing so fast and teaching us about life.
Cheers to another great month of being parents to Carson and Sam!


Barb said...
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Barb said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE our little Chipmunk!!!
That pose of Sammi the Boo is adorable!!! Carson is going to have his hands full protecting her! Sound familiar Daddy??
Love and miss you madly!

Unknown said...

Awww, what a great post! I'm sure Uncle Ian would love to play baseball with Carson (as I'm sure would Daddy). He is SO grown up, tell him to hit the pause button for awhile ;)

And that Sam!! I think she's auditioning for the cover of Vogue! I was a bit surprised that she didn't point out the "polar bears" at the Shark Reef, maybe in due time. Ha, love you guys!!