I have been terrible about blogging lately! Carson and I are in Chicago and I am lacking the computer cord for my camera. We are having a very enjoyable trip. The purpose of our trip is to visit my father as much as possible, as he is very ill from cancer. Dad is enjoying our time together very much, so every day is a blessing. Carson is enjoying his time in Chicago, though he misses his daddy terribly. Jason is joining us here in 6 days - not that we're counting! Carson has picked up several new skills in the last week and a half since we've been here. He's learned to walk backwards....has amped up his throwing skills enough such that he was able to launch my wallet into the baby pool that we were swimming in yesterday..... and he gets super silly and runs around the room laughing when he is in the mood....Carson also has new words pouring out of him....Words like "No no" ,"man", and "Dee" (for Dora) are among the latest. Also, our last ultrasound appointment for our baby girl was an A+. She is growing perfectly and is really rockin' in there. She bumps around inside of my belly at all hours, and loves to kick Carson in the back while I am rocking him to sleep. I'm sure that is just the beginning of what he will be hearing from her! The plan is in place for my c-section at 39 weeks as long as all continues to be well...that will be November 3rd. It will be here before we know it!