Tuesday, November 10, 2009

1 Week Old

Samantha is one week old today!
I can't tell if it's because she is our second baby, but Samantha is not only precious as can be and sweet as pie, but she is the easiest baby ever. For the moment, she is just perfect...Eats and then goes right back to sleep at night, rarely cries for no reason, looks around calmly when she is awake, and loves to snuggle. She is a dream come true. It couldn't come at a better time, because this week has been stressful with Carson being sick. We got some antibiotics from the doctor for him yesterday so hopefully he is on the mend soon. But it is our 9th day of him not feeling well, so that has been hard. He has been a good boy though...he is not jealous of the baby and loves to call her name when he hears her...."babeeeeeeeee!"
I took a couple of pics this morning of Samantha enjoying her tummy time....She, unlike Carson at this age, totally digs tummy time.

Samantha weighs 7 lbs as of her doctor's appointment yesterday, so she has gained back her birth weight plus a couple of ounces. She loves to eat. It runs in the family! :)
We love our little one week old superstar, Princess Samantha!

1 comment:

Kellie said...

She's a cutie! Glad you're enjoying her newborn phase. Can't wait to meet her.
Feel better soon Carson! Sick babies are no fun...