Just a little ode to my perfect little baby girl, Samatha.
You are one of a kind, and very special indeed.
You sleep in the car even if Carson is crying in the carseat next to you.
You happily eat a variety of foods.
You love your bath....the pool....the inside....the outside...the upside down.
Sitting up...laying down...tummy time....and bedtime.
In fact, you love life in general.
You don't mind when Carson yells in your ear or
shouts outside of your room while you are trying to sleep.
You are quite pleased to play with books that have been chewed up in the past
by a certain brother of yours
Nor do you mind playing with trucks here and there.
You love to entertain yourself while Mommy is trying to get Carson to pee pee on the potty.
You are smart and beautiful and low maintenance -
thoughtful, analytical, contemplative, resilient.
a killer combination when it comes to women, if you ask me!
How lucky I am to have you Samantha.
How blessed are we that we happen to have
the easiest baby in the universe.
When we need it the most, you are always perfect.
I love you!