Wednesday, May 12, 2010

We're baaaaaack!

We are home from another wonderful trip back to the Midwest.
We had an amazing time seeing family and friends.
As always, the trip went by way too fast but we soaked it all in while we were there and we are already looking forward to next time.
I have some great photos to post which I will hopefully do in the next couple of days.
Right now we are focused on unpacking and laundry and adjusting to Pacific time again.
The kids are growing and changing every day!
We have had some exciting developments in the last couple of weeks.
Carson turned two on May 2nd and our life can now be summed up by one word...
He is speaking in sentences and stringing sentences together.
He is newly obsessed with the show "Little Einsteins" which he calls "Little Ein-the-steins"
He has dropped Dora like a hot potato. She is old news.
Carson has also started potty training and he is going on the potty at least once a day.
He is so smart and he seems to get it, so we are going with the flow and trying it out.
If potty training him continues to be this easy, I will be amazed.
Samantha is growing HUGE and has developed rolls on her Polish thighs like you wouldn't believe.
She is sitting up perfectly now, giggling with abandon, grabbing objects with gusto, and making exotic bird noises regularly.
She is a 6 month old slice of heaven!
We will put up some pics pretty soon.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

welcome home, can't wait to see pictures :)