Friday, February 11, 2011

Miss Big Girl

Our not-so-little Samantha had her 15 month appointment yesterday.
She is 33 inches (98 percentile for height) and 24 lbs. 14 oz (83 percentile for weight).
She is 10th percentile for hair. (kidding, but I think she really is).
She is the exact same height that Carson was at this age.
In other Samantha news, she is learning new words at lightening speed.
She also...drum roll please...
went pee pee on the potty tonight!
At least my potty training efforts for the last nine months are being absorbed by someone.
My methods seem to be a failure for the intended target (Carson) as he still isn't fully trained after nine months of practice. But it seems that Samantha having spent half of her life in a bathroom with Carson and I has paid off. I brought Carson's Elmo potty upstairs tonight and sat her on it before her bath, and she proceeded to pee perfectly and then say "Yay pee pee!!"
Imagine that.
Girlfriend, you got it!

1 comment:

Barb said...

Nothing our little "pucci" does surprises me!! Girls rule!!!! Lots of hugs and kisses! :-)