Monday, December 15, 2008

Snuggle Buggle

We bundled Carson up and took him to the mall yesterday. We practiced for our trip to the midwest this coming weekend, where Carson will be wearing more clothes than he is used to! The temp is in the 40's here in Vegas right now - cold for here. Our practice run was a success...he didn't mind his hat, gloves, or his new Air Force One-like sneaks!

This look says it all.

Happy in my hat.

Daddy putting on my sneaks. Such a big boy!

Pic from before we left for Jason's work Christmas party this weekend at the Wynn...


Barb said...

He is THE CUTEST snuggle buggle EVER!!! I hope he fits in his car seat with all the extra clothing he'll need to wear for this lovely mid-west weather! In just 5 days, you will be SO close to home and in 10 days, you'll be home! YIPEE!
By the way, you and Jason look fabulous! ;) Give stinky fish a big hug and kiss from Grandma Barbie!!

Kath said...

Oh! I miss the work party! It has been so fun every year in the past and this is our first year without it. You and Jas both look awesome! I could just kiss that baby boy - he is adorable!