Thursday, March 4, 2010

Big boy Carson....or not?

Two things...
The first is that Carson is really interested in the potty right now.
I am trying to capitalize on it even though I know he is too young to be trained.
I should rephrase...he is more interested in toilet diving than actually using the potty.
He loves to put his hands into the potty and splash around in the water. He loves toilet paper.
And he LOVES to wash his hands...for like 20 minutes straight. I can't get him to stop washing his hands. Which I guess is a good thing since we are in a toilet diving phase.
As I said, if toilet diving were an Olympic sport...Carson would be bringin' home the gold.
He does like to sit on the potty once and awhile. I figure one of these days something might come out. But for now, we will be here...toilet diving in Las Vegas.

Second thing.
This is what Carson's bed looked like for 2 hours one night this week.
He got out of his crib Monday morning. I found him standing at the top of the stairs all of a sudden. Never heard a thud from his room, so I imagine that he shimmied himself down somehow. We tried the toddler bed on Monday night. But after he escaped 500 times in 2 hours, we decided to postpone the big boy bed transition. Now his crib faces the opposite way with the high side facing out and it is working so far.
Our babboon has been contained......for now!

Carson is talking soooo much and I can hardly keep track of all his new words
He said "T-Rex" and "dino" this morning...And he put three words together this morning when we were reading ("Blue eat apple...Blue eat pretzel"). He attempts to say almost everything even though it is not always clear. He shakes his head "yes" but still loves "no".
Carson is becoming a big boy but he is not there just yet. :)

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