Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The potty and pants...

This morning Carson was enamored with the potty again.
He kept sitting on it and saying "pee pee".
This clearly points to how often I am using the restroom during the day these days. Pretty sad!
Here he demonstrates how to climb up onto the toilet like a true 17 month old.

Another exciting note for today....We are wearing PANTS today in Las Vegas.
Like, because we have to!
It is 78 degrees and beautiful and fall is here. We went to the park this morning and Carson got totally dirty and ate some sand, just to commemorate the day.


Unknown said...

Alright, I am finding it pretty funny that you think 78 degrees warrants wearing pants!! It has been in the upper 60s here and my kids are still in shorts and T-shirts! Guess your perspective changes when you are used to the Vegas heat--BTW, Mr. Carson is SOOOO freaking cute...I just love that little face.

Barb said...

That boy just puts a smile on my face!!!

Love and miss you all! 23 days and counting!! ;-)