Saturday, June 5, 2010

7 Months

Our sweet Sam is 7 Months now.
Here are her latest happenings!
She is trying finger foods - most recently peach, avocado, and her new fave, puffs!
She is obsessed with her sippy cup.
She is quiet some days and very vocal on other days - depends on her mood!
Speaking of mood, she is even steven. We can pretty much bet our life savings every day that Sam is going to be happy.
She enjoys grabbing hair and noses.
She loves to roll and push up - no thought of crawling yet, thank heavens!
Her favorite books are "hello Bee, hello me!" and "Woof Woof Peek A Boo"...
(Two fascinating works of literature.)
She has the biggest open mouth smile that melts your heart and lights up the room.
Her M.O. is this - in the words of Papa Dennis...She will make flowers of your hours!

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