Saturday, June 5, 2010

Smith kids in June

It's HOT in Vegas this week.
We hit the 100's and there is no turning back.
Summer is here! Bring it on.
This week we had our friends Deana and Jason Bickler in town.
We were lucky enough to spend much of the week playing with them.
Carson now asks every morning "Go to Auntie Dee's house? See Jackson and Alex?"
Here is a little snapshot of our week...
We wore tutus in the yard...
Why not?

Swam in the pool at the Bickler's house on Memorial Day.
We overstayed our welcome but they didn't seem to mind!
We had so much fun.

Carson and Sam are interacting more and more and it is so cute.
She grabs him at every chance she gets.
It is only the beginning! Get used to it Carson!

Scotty came over to play with us for a whole day while our friends Brian and Kim moved into a new house. It was a great day - Scotty is such a good boy!
Nice job, Brian and Kim!

Sam hung out nudie in Carson's red chair.

Love Sam's face as Carson gets ready to hammer her toy.
She's like "What are you DOING??"

Sam is into her sippy cup and finger food now.
It's all very exciting!

Another good summer week at the Smith house.
We love summertime!

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