Saturday, May 10, 2008

Carson - 1 Week Old!

The Smith Family

Now, I know that our one week old son doesn't smile or know he is smiling.
It is probably gas.
But he does practice smiling quite often! It is irresistible!

Yesterday I felt good enough to go for a short walk. It was Carson's first trip in his buggy.

Carson chilled on the couch yesterday with his dad and watched some NBA games.

Mom and her boy

Recent debacles in my adventures of motherhood have included:

  1. Waking up to find that Carson had peed all over his pajamas, only to find that I had forgotten to fasten one side of his diaper during a 4 AM feeding. Nice!
  2. Arising to find that Carson had migrated completely out of his sleep positioner to the lower edge of his crib. I had decided not to swaddle him after a feeding because he seemed like he was warm. However, when he isn't swaddled, he sees this as permission to use his positioner as a slip n' slide to migrate to other areas of his crib. I nearly peed my pants when I saw where he had ended up. Jason said it was his "first vacation".
I'm sure this list will grow by the day. Motherhood is quite the amazing adventure so far.

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