Monday, March 17, 2008

31 Weeks - Go bump go!

Two things I have noticed this week about being pregnant:
1) The seas part for you. I entered the bathroom at the Hard Rock on Friday night after dinner at the Pink Taco, only to notice that many scantily clad women on their way to the bathroom made room for me to get through. They must have somehow known that my situation was more emergent than theirs.
2) People LOVE to ask you "When are you due?" Upon my responding, "May 18th", the person that asked will inevitably tell me that May 18th is their mother's brother's fiance's dog's birthday and how cool is that?!?! or that their birthday is very near to that date, as though it makes one bit of difference to either of us.
Just a couple of things I've noticed now that my pregnancy is more obvious than ever before.
I have grown a lot in the last week. Carson is still active as ever before. He was up at 5 AM playing in my belly this morning.
In other news, my mom and I got Carson's room all ready yesterday. It looks fabulous! It is all organized and his clothes are washed. Now all we need is a baby and we have a full-fledged nursery!


Kellie said...

That must feel great to have the nursery all ready!! So exciting! :)

Unknown said...

Whoa, holy baby bump!! I LOVE IT!! Carson's nursery looked so cute before, I can't imagine how great it looks now. Oh, by the way, my birthday is May 14th, that's really close to your due date ;) Ha! Love ya, sis!

Megan Recker said...

Carson really made himself comfy in there this week, huh!? I hope I'm as organized and prepared as you are when I'm 31 weeks along! (No chance!) Looking fab!
love, Meg

Kim said...

OMG! We found Emma on May 12th, which is almost like May 18th, which means they would almost be like, TWINS! Wow! She's always wanted a brother. ;-)

Enjoy the final stretch - you're almost there!

Lori said...

Yes, the sea's do part, and they SHOULD. A pregnant woman trying to use the restroom is nothing to stand in the way of. You look beautiful Court ... i'm loving the recent growth. p.s. My parents anniversary is May 18th!! And that's the same day Mt. St. Helens errupted ... and you know what else ...?? =) (I'm done)

Molly said...

Courtney! guess what! May 18th is my sister's friend's birthday! How cool is that?!?!?! haha! :)

Your pictures are absolutely adorable! You are the cutest future mom ever!

Can't wait to meet Carson!

Love you!