Friday, October 23, 2009

Foods of the Day

Carson and I stopped at Glazier's Market at Warm Springs and Durango today.
Anyone that lives in LV should go there...It is like a "Diet" Whole Foods in my opinion.
They have everything but it's a lot cheaper than Whole Foods (and much less snooty).
Plus it is a locally owned place!
I bought crab salad, artichoke mozzarella salad, and almonds there today...
and Carson ate all three for lunch.
Mmmmm....they must taste better than rocks!
Samantha is hanging in there this week....she is kicking harder than ever and I think she is trying to crawl her way out as I type this.
Otherwise, I have no signs that she won't be in there until November 3rd.
I thought of trying to bribe my OB into doing my c-section at 38 weeks instead of 39.
I figured that if this is a tipping town...a Benjamin or two might convince him to relieve me of this baby a little sooner than later?!?!
But never mind....onto November 3rd....she will have been worth the wait!

1 comment:

Drew and Sarah said...

I hear you on little Samantha trying to crawl her way out...I feel the same way about this little guy! I half expect him to just pop his little head out of my belly button at any minute! good luck, november 3rd will be here before you know it!