Thursday, October 8, 2009

Moose on the run....

Carson just loves to be chased. He doesn't get chased much during the day anymore because my run has slowed to a tortoise's pace....but when Daddy gets home, it's on like donkey kong!

In other news, Carson perfected his version of the "Hokey Pokey" today, including the "turn yourself around" part. A video of that will hopefully be coming soon. He is also, as of today, the proud owner of a talking Elmo potty, which he has already sat on several times tonight, just for kicks.

Samantha has been perfect at all of her monitoring appointments this week. We go back to the specialist on Monday to check up on how she is growing. From the looks of my bump, I'd say she is doing just fine in that department!

A big happy birthday to Carson's Auntie Annon today....She is the big 1-1 today. She's so smart, beautiful, and sweet....I know baby Samantha will want to be just like her.


Barb said...

This video is hilarious! Love how he puts his head down when he runs! Papa and I are watching this saying we cannot wait to get there to see him! He is so big!! Our day ended with a HUGE smile thanks to this! Love and miss you all so much!!!

Unknown said...

I love this video!! I CANNOT wait to get out there and see my not-so-little moose! I'm glad to see the shirt fits him :) Love you guys!